April 25, 2011

With Erik, some things never change.

We went to see Erik over the weekend for his birthday.  It was a good day not only because we saw him - but unbeknownst to us - our sister Becky and her husband Tad decided to go see Erik too and we arrived at Aldersgate Enrichment Center about the same time.  Wasn't that neat?

In the past, whenever we would go visit Erik he would be waiting on the front porch for hours before we arrived.  We'd drive up and see him sitting there, smiling and waving. 

This time I didn't tell him we were coming because I thought it would confuse him.     So when we arrived he wasn't sitting on the porch.  We found him inside on the couch with the resident dog Samson.  

He's still slowing down and conversation is a challenge but I found myself thankful for the little ways in which Erik has not changed.

We arrived, he got up off the couch, came over, hugged us and ... yes, he was wearing his Cowboy cap and had a soda in his hand. Not surprising at all.

We walked to his room, in the other group home...
... and there, Erik sat amidst all his Dallas Cowboy finery and proceeded to ask many times "How's Dad?"   "How's Brian?"  That's Erik's M.O...find out how people are doin'.

Later another classic Erik moment (which was repeated several times) - he took out his wallet (notice the brand) and showed us the money that was inside.  The residents had just returned from getting their paychecks cashed and the wallet was pretty full of ones.   It's so funny, Erik does this in such a serious way, like he's letting you in on a secret.  Often times we'll be in the middle of something and with no warning, out comes his wallet and he's flashing his cash - or showing you whatever else is in there. Oh my goodness, our Uncle Ed loved it when Erik did this.  He called Erik "the King" and Uncle Ed would suddenly develop "the shorts" and he'd implore Erik to slip him some cash.   Erik was wise to his tricks and never obliged.  

It was lunchtime and we asked Erik if he was hungry.  Well, that's like asking a fish if he's wet.   So off we went to get some birthday bar-b-q.  Erik ate his food with the speed of teenager who hadn't eaten in days.   Becky had to tell him several times to slow down.   We don't know where he puts all his food.   But another typical Erik moment -- he showed us his watch, which he's very attached to.  It is a cool watch, keeps time with the Atomic Clock somewhere, so it is supposed to be the exact time.  If you ever need the very exact time, Erik will show it to you gladly.  But be warned, next to Erik's fancy-pants watch yours will suddenly appear inferior and sad.

Back at the group home Erik another thing that hasn't changed - Erik's love of animals.   They adore him too. This is Samson getting some good Erik attention.
Erik didn't tease, smile or laugh like he used to but his sweetness and gentleness are still evident.

One of my favorite things of the day was to see Erik and house-dad Pat interact.  Pat had a brother who had Down syndrome, so he and Erik are good buddies.  
Among other things, Pat told us that that at their last picnic Erik scarfed down 4 hotdogs.  oh my. 


  1. Such sweetness - about Erik and from you LIz!

  2. That anonymous was me! Uncle Bob - sorry don't know how to post otherwise!
