October 14, 2012

My Rock

I think Erik's feeling a bit better lately.  A week ago I wouldn't have said that.  The leg with the blood clot was swelling up bigger every day.   I didn't like it and I'm sure he didn't either!  I went to feed him lunch last Tuesday.  He was very agitated, upset and NOT hungry.  And so unlike Erik, he screamed at me at the top of his lungs over and over as I tried to feed him.  It made me cry.  Just felt helpless and confused.   But his nurse came in and I was able to urge her to look into the swollen leg issue.   She did and that's why I think he's better. Two days later I went to feed him lunch again. I didn't try to engage him in conversation, I just sat and helped him eat.  It went better, maybe because his food is being mechanically ground now so it's easier to swallow, I really don't know.  Here he is that day before lunch arrived.

He even smiled and laughed later on.  Wow.  My husband and I saw him on Friday; he was alert, seemed more at ease and engaging more with the people around him.

I just never know what each day will bring; I tease Erik all the time -- that he's just a mystery and that life with him is a roller coaster.  This afternoon he was snoozing away in his bed, looking so restful.   

The past 6 weeks have been some of the hardest we've had.  But I'm grateful for the things I've learned and that Erik is ok and that our mom will arrive tomorrow to see him.

Not long ago I was worrying constantly about sweet E.  I knew I needed to trust the Lord and I'd try -- but find myself worrying again.   Then I think the Lord gave me an idea.  I needed to latch onto a character quality of God for the week.   Whenever I'd get overwhelmed or worried, I'd remind myself of that truth about God.  The first week I picked His Power.  Last week it was His compassion.  This week it's His faithfulness.   This has been a Great Rock for me to stand on.   Also one day I read a devotional and it spoke to me so much about God's ever-present care that I wrote it down, taped it up, took a pic for my phone so I could see it all over the place.  Now you can see it too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this note. I need the reminder for one of my love ones. Robin Hurt
