February 2, 2011

Hi there, friends! I'm so excited. This is my first attempt at reaching out to the blog world.

I'm Liz and this is my older brother Erik and he's the reason for this endeavor. Through this blog I hope to meet many others who have siblings (or other family members) who have Downs.


  1. Liz - I just want you to know that I am one of your older brother Eric's friends from the hospital. Eric and I are the exact same age - born in the same month of April - me at the beginnin and Eric in the end, but there is not a year that does not go by that I do not think you sweet Eric. Eric would hollar down the hall to inform everyone that he and I were having our birthday and how old we were. I would tell him that everyone did not need to know my age - and he would smile and ask me how old he need to say we were. We switched the digits like to 14 from 41 - and he would laugh and tell me no one would beleive us. It was worth a try. I miss having him there at the hospital with me, but so many things are just ERIC MOMENTS - like time change - with that just happening - made me think of him - because he always would come in and tell me to not forget.

    I truly have to say - your family has been blessed with having Eric in your family - and those of us who worked with him at the hospital all those years - were blessed as well. If you see him give him a hug for me and let him know that Rhonda misses him alot.

  2. Rhonda, you sweetie!! thank you for this wonderful memory of Erik. I'm so glad you wrote. I loved how you called them "Erik moments"!!! That's the perfect name - I'll have to borrow that. I can picture him laughing with you in the hallways of the hospital. I agree with you, today was bittersweet with the time change and Erik not calling me over and over to make sure I would remember. Thank you for your kind words, they blessed me greatly! You're right, our family was fortunate. Erik was - and still is - special.

    Please pass this blog on to others at the hospital who might have things to contribute about Erik. It would be such a treat to hear their stories. And thank you for your love and friendship to my brother when he worked with you.
